Just go out there and take a taxi....

So the morning of Wednesday 4/21, JUSTIN'S BIRTHDAY, we headed over to the gym near our hotel and got in a good workout before he was to leave to head out to The Gambia. Afterwards, we grabbed some breakfast (the $26 buffet at the hotel -ouch!), and called to see if our apartment was ready...'no, not yet, but maybe Friday'. (Justin was actually contemplating skipping out on the Gambia trip if we were able to get into it). So...off he went, with 4 other guys, to check out another country!
Hmmm, what to do for the day while Justin is gone...blogging, internet surfing, reading, studying French (cause I can't really have any good conversations with people), and of course...hang out by the hotel pool! So that is what I did. As the day was winding down, and I was trying to figure out what I was going to do for dinner...I could take the safe route and eat at the hotel...try to go somewhere, but its not a smart idea to go out by yourself at night...then our friend Megan called! 'Since Justin is out of town, we should hang out! I can make dinner and your welcome to stay at my place tonight! And you can bring your laundry!" AWESOME! Awesome! and AWESOME!
Only one problem...that means I would have to take a taxi...by myself!!! Most of the taxi drivers speak some french, but mostly Wolof! How in the world will I stumble my way through that?! I don't have anyone to tell me what they are saying...what if....what if.... - That was it...I finally admitted that I was 'scared'!! sigh... (not something I'm good at doing) Megan completely understood and said, "let me think about it, and we'll figure something out". ...we'll talk again in about 1/2 hour or so...
I gathered my stuff...feeling like a helpless jerk...and started my way back to my room. It sounds like a great idea, but I can't do it. The whole time, trying to talk myself into some courage...courage to just do it...get in that taxi and go! Sooooo...I grabbed a glass of wine on my way to my room, cleaned up, and it worked! The wine/liquid courage worked! I called Megan - "Megan, I think I have found some courage!!! I will be on my way to your place in about 5 minutes!"
Walked out to the taxi area...bargained for a taxi - one guy tried to charge me 4000cfa for a trip that should only be 1500cfa ($8 vs $3)! I told him that I am not a tourist, I live here, and I didn't think he was being very nice! - (in broken french). He laughed, but understood! Another taxi guy walked up and waved me into his car. It was the same taxi driver that Justin and I had taken the night before! I was able to tell him where I was going, and he knew right where to go!!! I was on my way to Megan's apartment, all by myself!
I arrived at Megan's and she opens the door, with a big smile, and says "You did it!" She totally understood!!
I know its seems silly, and it even does to me as I'm writing it (can't believe I'm blogging about it), but this was a huge victory for me!!!! I felt like I had broken down a huge wall...into the ability to fend for myself, to get somewhere without an interpreter/babysitter!! I say it all the time here...and its very appropriate..."Yeah for small victories!" whoooo hoooooo!
Megan made a great dinner, the laundry was done, and we chatted over a glass of wine!