"Chez Ass " Don't know exactly what it is,
but ha

The busy street by the University...as you can see...there aren't always sidewalks!
A business of some sort...usually fresh bread or
sometimes a place to make copies!
This was taken at 'Place du Souvenir' (place of rememberance), along the way, which is still under construction. Thankfully we got pictures before the guard came out and said 'pas de photos' (no photos)!!
We think someone actually lives in this little hut...
Along the Corniche... (yea for sidewalks!)
Muscle Beach!! Bench presses (notice the weights are concrete tire rims on a bar!), pull up bars, obstacles, etc. And this place is FULL of people in the evenings!!!
Ok...still getting you caught up! I'm writing about things that happened over a week ago, so I'm trying not to leave any fun details out!!
So the next morning after taking the taxi to Megan's, etc....we got up, had expresso, and headed out the door to go for a run. Mornings are a good time to go, because it gets really hot during the day! She wanted to try a new route, since she had someone else with her, so we cut through the University near her apartment, and over to 'the Corniche'...its a road that runs north/south along the western edge of Dakar. Its kind of like the Pacific Coast Highway of Dakar!! Run along the ocean, gets pretty breezy, but the scenery is fantastic! Megan also decided, since there were two of us, that it would be a great time to take her camera and shoot as we go!!
These are the pictures we took on our run!!!
Ended up doing about 3 miles...came back, ate breakfast (first time I've had cereal and a true cup of coffee since we left the States - YUM!), and cleaned up for the rest of our day....
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