The dock by the pool and sites from it...the gym we went to is right beside the "lagoon 1" which has the white canopies on it.

Justins' office by the pool...
one of the resident cats (of about 4)....
Thursday evening, we were able to go to a little local gym! It sits right on the beach and is quite small. Just enough equipment though, to get in a decent workout! I did Eliptical and weights...until the guy who runs the place (Leemon) decided that I need to do some ab excercises with him! HA! He is very nice, and speaks little enlish, but we seem to understand eachother ok. Justin was able to converse with him much more! Dinner at the hotel that night...all their dinner choices have been yummy!
Friday was a day to catch up, relax, and prepare for the weekend! Justin is working on his POI (Plan of Instruction) prepared to turn into the neccesary people. Its more or less his plan for the year, to include; all of our travel, significant places to visit, culture emersion, language training, etc. The challenge is...the budget he has been given is proving to be quite short of what is needed. We are learning that the flights to anywhere from here are expensive, so he is forced to get creative!
We got up and decided to try a new place for breakfast! We've heard the Palmerie is off we went to brave something new (a daily occurance!). The Palmerie turned out to be one of the best so far!! We both ordered the Formule N 5...which was: cafe (expresso) or Caffe au lait (coffee and milk), les oeuffs plat (plain egg omlette), orange presse (fresh pressed orang juice) or demi pompleomouse (half grapefruit), and lets not forget the 'pain' (bread)! There is bread with everything!!!! And lots of it! Its usually some sort of bagette or rolls with butter on the side.
We spent the afternoon by the pool, reading, checking emails, people watching, etc. The weekends are very busy at our pool! There seems to be many vacationers here for the long holiday weekend...which makes the people watching even more fun! The kids all speak French, and I'm happy to be able to understand them...most of the time! HA! A definite Europoean crowd...which means all the men are in speedos...many sites I could live without!
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